Friday, November 6, 2009

Miss you Sherry!

He had been a friend. Its difficult to say, when he ceased to remain one.

One afternoon, we had been to a film festival. Four films..back to back...The first one kept us hooked. But in the next one both of us passed out.

In the middle of it,I looked at him from the corner of my eye. My heart suddenly skipped a beat. He jjust looked pristine cuute. Those big words that people use to define beauty, I kind of think, failed me, right in that moment. Then he suddenly blinked . I immediately shut my eyes. I could feel his eyes on me, even if it be for a split second. That second i knew, i had done something horrible to myself. The damage would be irreparable. Was it Love? Well, its too heavy and vague for the experience to just fit into the word.

Now I see him everyday. But we dont talk. Blame it to my overriding desire to express things that shouldnt be, in ways that kill the authenticity of expressing something so simple and obvious.

One day,I sent him flowers anonymously . He assumed the sender could be me. He tried keeping his distance. I mustered the courage to go upto him and ask, if it was only me who felt the silence. He denied the truth,obviously but dint stop at throwing the big question...."Where you the one who sent me the flowers?" I said-" No, it wasnt me. But I know who it was.(I had rehearsed this conversation time and again in my head)" He said-" Who could be this 'Filmy?(with a tint of sarcasm)'" It stung.

Long time after that he kept guessing it was me, still keeping his 'Distance'.

One fateful day, we had a tiny- winy argument over a non issue and I had to lie, again. I was tired of the lies. I realised nothing whatsoever could last on a wobbly foundation of lies. Decision was made. This night, i ll let him know.

I sen him a message. It read-"I am sorry for what happened this evening. I fell for you and messed up the whole thing. But this evening I had a word with my cousin and i am sorted out now(One of the last lies). Yes I was the one who sent those 'filmy' flowers to you. But that was only for you to have something nice for the day, to be happy about. It meant nothing else. I was hurt after knowing what i did to myself and you. I lost a friend in the process. But now I am happy out of it, certainly not ashamed to having liked you."

We havnt been talking after that. Since this place is too tiny for someone to be able to avoid someone else, it has only got more difficult for me. On one level, we are nauseatingly close all the time, and yet on another level, we are light years apart.

People have consoled me, advised me, encouraged me to believe he probably dint deserve me. But I am scared to believe, that it probably was the other way around, knowing fully well, i am Not his kind of a girl. He has his own checklist for someone to be his 'Girl'.

I havent slept well for a long long time now. I am angry, exasperated, with the whole thing.Why should it be just me? How can he be let off just like that?

I want to live my life. I have been a nice actor, but now I want to rest. It has been an agonising experience. I dont want him anymore. Or may be I dont want to want him anymore.

Love is a tedious experience...

But no regrets...its been a fine journey...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The malady of being where you wanted to be

ACJ-Asian College of Journalism...Was a dream. Today I am here for over 3 months now. I dont think, I ll be able to tell, what it has been like-the whole process of a dream coming true and the truth turning sour and sometimes bitter. I am paying the price for being in the best place, I agree. But is it worth it? I couldnt afford to be pretentious enough to think I am overjoyed with my experience here. It has been gratifying,yes, and difficult both at the same time.
huh..Its not the best feeling in the world to know and realise your ordinary-ness. Then again it worsens if you start to think, you are a total misfit. Never before have I been this convinced of my being misfit. Intellectually lacking, and a sense of humour that makes people cringe...all this has led to a disturbing silence. A silence that has come from lack of necessity of words, My words.
Another reason for the pessimism stands to be the loss of what I held so close to me- the gift of writing. I must urgently find it back..I have lost it in this huge mesh of writers and their glorious work..My simple humble words feel insignificant. I have spent substantial amount of time in explaining to myself that You can learn to and you must learn to embellish your writing with what you learn here and appreciate in others. But your style is exclusive.
More complaining tomorrow...and some appreication...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I a humble Indian

Whatzit to be an Indian?

I aint a no

I aint a writer

I aint a priest..never..

I aint a trader...

I a humble Indian..

and in all I lie...

I aint rich, my stomachs empty

I aint clever,my leader conned me,

I aint beautiful,brown they call me,

I aint a scholar,can just write the name

I a humble Indian

I wont deny..

I will say have it,when its the last grain i have

I will rise,when he dares me..

I will learn,as I dream

I will walk with another 'I"

and his God aint a matter...

I a humble Indian..

I hurt myself,fighting

I burnt myself,playing the fire

I failed the test,denying

I learnt,accepting

I a humble Indian

60years...I have vivid colors..sumtimes all red..sometimes all white...but 3 colors...i was given to define me...peace,prosperity and courage...

I feel triumphant,jubilant,inspite of the bloodstains and the wounds...

I see myself in the eyes of a beautiful girl who can read the name of my country and question,"What can I do for Her?"

I see myself in the soul of every child,woman and man whose eyes have question the wrong,to act in the right and to share in the heave of burden...

To this glory,I will to live and die

To this pride,I will to breath a sigh

I a humble Indian...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


How do you show the color Blue to a blind girl?

How do you tell an atheist God is?

How do you explain yourself where will you be after you are dead?

How does one know if love is true?

How does one believe in a world, that keeps changing?

How does one rely on future when nothing about it is known except that it is?

How deep is This Moment-the Now?

How trustable is the person dearest to you?

How weak is the strongest person on this earth?

How ugly is the cruelest person on this earht?

How true is the Truth?

How relative is existence?

phew....questions..I have never got answers to....u could always give these..however the questions are pretty personal....