Monday, May 19, 2008

Reality shows and all that!

Reality Shows are raining
Are you as much amazed as I am at the recent downpour of reality shows and talent hunts all over the television?All of a sudden,everywhere you see,you find girls and boys,uncles and aunts,grandmas and grandpas dancing,singing,arguing and sobbing to their hearts content.And here we are on this side of the screen,accompanying them on their journeys to that evasive title,which you will find it difficult to recollect after 6 months have gone by.But somehow I find it extremely difficult to understand as to what remains to be “Real” about these shows.These shows are as soppy as some of the ‘K’ shows,infact they make you sob harder.
Everytime a contestant is chucked out of the show,you have to see the whole drama that ensues.I simply cant stop laughing under my breath,while the stage is being set for the emotional saga to unfold.The contestants cant stop consoling the one who is being thrown out and he cant stop wondering if these are the same people who were after his life a moment ago.To enhance the experience,we have a woeful music running in the background.At this point it almost become unbearable for us and our tear glands give away,and there we go,pouring our hearts out in sympathy,empathy,love and tenderness for the poor participant.But after seeing all that he has gone through and all that he would have had to,just incase he hadn’t lost,all that I feel like saying is-Good for him,that he is out.
Another funny thing about these shows are its judges.They provide for the humour.the nasty mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law of the K-shows find a replacement in the person of these scary judges.They suck the life out of the participants as if they were divinely ordained to do so. Guilt isn’t a word they know.And, if, however, they are on a high, then the participant has had it. He would be mashed under the weight of prolific compliments and comments that seem to go over board. phoney praises that make your head spin.
And even more hilarious is the fact that this is the case with talent shows in stand-up comedy as well. Every channel has one such show that earns the TRPs for them.But like the cliché goes,too many cooks,indeed spoil the broth,Too many stand-up comedians have diluted the humour that it used to be.
And have you realized something,all these heady,hyped up, unnecessarily emoted shows have sneaked into our personal lives, snatching away precious moments that we could have spent with our family doing something worthwhile and creative. We have stopped communicating and far less being in each others company,exclusively.How touchy we have become about our favourite T.V shows,that it has been a long while that we ventured into our neighbour’s house and it has been even longer that we gorged on an icecream with out children while strolling around in a park nearby.
I sadistically hope this trend phases out sooner than later,lest we start losing out on life and living,with these cocky T.V shows eating away on our already cramped up time tables and schedules.

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